Press conference

New Caledonia, land of maritime opportunities and crossroads of the Indopacific, is preparing to host a major maritime event: the Assises de l’Économie Maritime Indopacifique 2023. To find out all about this prestigious event, we invite you to join our press conference, to be held at Station N this Thursday at 10:30 am.

At the heart of this event, you’ll discover highlights, world-renowned speakers, key themes and opportunities for collaboration in the maritime economy.

Assises aims to highlight New Caledonia’s central role in the Indo-Pacific region as an economic driver and a player in ocean preservation.

Our spokespeople will share exclusive information on the topics to be addressed at the Assises, the activities planned, and the impressive list of experts and speakers who will be taking part in this unique event.

The press conference will provide an opportunity to ask questions and obtain first-hand information on this key event in the blue economy.

Join us at Station N this Thursday at 10:30 a.m. to find out more about the Assises de l’Économie Maritime Indopacifique 2023 and how you can get involved in this exceptional event.

Stay in touch with the future of the maritime economy in New Caledonia and the Indopacific. We look forward to seeing you there to share this adventure with us!